10 Things I’ve Learned from my Mum

Happy Mothers Day to the most incredible woman and mum I’ve ever met. You’re on safari and out of contact but you’re loved and thought of on this day and all the ones in between.

1. You don’t have to like the truth to accept it.

2. Sometimes people just don’t behave the way you expect or want them to. Never lower yourself.

3. I just don’t look good in jeans. The end. However, I look good in so many other things.

4. Butterfly cakes and seafood risotto are two things I’ll never be able to cook as well as her.

5. Christmas is a time for us and no one does it better.

6. Money isn’t everything but it gives a girl choices. Choice is, perhaps, everything.

7. Everyone deserves your time. Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves a second chance.

8. Forgiving is not forgetting; it is simply healthy.

9. No good news or occasion should go uncelebrated.

10. Time heals everything

If I am half the woman you are in 30 years time, I’ll consider my husband a very lucky man ;-)!! I love you Mum. X

3 thoughts on “10 Things I’ve Learned from my Mum

  1. Another excellent (and touching post)- an incredibly lucky mum (to have you as a daughter)- sure she is immensely proud of all you have achieve; who you have become. Hope she gets to read this (as it is a lovely tribute). Keep up your tremendous (and varied) work/posts, Kate. x


  2. Beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent woman………oh and I’m sure your mum is nice too! Nice article. ;-p


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