50 Days Left to Sexy…

So I am 10 days in. I read somewhere that it takes 10 days to break a habit and if that is true, then I failed on day 9. Yesterday, after 4 days on non-stop stress climaxed into a day I wish to forget, I gave into my pasta cravings and made myself a Spaghetti Bolognese…with garlic bread…and drank half a bottle of red wine.


Pah! I have to cheat sometimes, right?

Until then, I’d actually found it really quite easy. I have found the trick for me is not consciously denying myself anything. If I think I shouldn’t eat it, I’ll want to eat a whole bathtub full! However, if I think that in just two days time is my cheat day or only 5 more sleeps until the weekend, I feel my will-power kick into full gear. Surely, nothing is so wonderful that it can’t wait until my schedule allows for some naughtiness?

When I did fancy something sweet or a calming glass of wine to ease the day, I simply forced myself to think twice and asked , “is it really worth it?”

However, stress or emotional upset makes me seek comfort in food. Comfort food to me is always Italian because it is quick, tasty, filling and it reminds me of my Mum (a person, who, really doesn’t eat or like pasta so I assume the emotional connection is more memory based to childhood dinners.). So I buckled on day 9 and boiled up the banned spaghetti which I was supposed to wait another 48 hours to be allowed to consume whilst pouring myself a glass of red, which too was 48 hours from being legal.

Still, I’m not sure it is a big deal. In the grand scheme of it, this isn’t just a 60 day challenge, it is a lifestyle reboot and I won’t always stick to such rigorous routines of when I can and cannot eat or drink something.

In other areas of my declaration, I’ve found myself doing pretty well. The thing is, I am a super competitive person. I don’t mean to be, but if I find myself “in it”, I really want to “win it”! Even if it is against myself.

I printed out a chart with each day of the week on it, planned only 7 days a head of schedule because, honestly, I never plan too much further ahead than that for anything. I had a little water glass illustration with 2.5 ltrs on it, which I thrill in putting a green tick through at the end of each day. A glass of wine, which again, I love to put a red X through at the end of each day; and a pair of trainers reminding me that I’m supposed to walk at least 5 miles per day. My FitBit has been invaluable here because I love seeing my little flashing light go from one to five; and when I feel it buzz on my wrist I give myself a little cheer! I also really enjoy surpassing that and each day I write on my graph how many miles I did, always competing with the Kate from the day before. Yesterday I hit 9 miles, so today I am aiming for 10.


I’ve also started to end my day with a 30 minute yoga session just to help me destress and reconnect with all the muscles in my body I’d forgotten about. I’ve found myself looking forward to this and in the morning, regretting missing it if I didn’t manage it the night before. In just 10 days which has equalled 8 Yoga sessions, I’ve felt a change in my ability and my general flexibility. It has also helped me to drift off to sleep much quicker and have a better quality of sleep too.

Ok, so this all well and good but you want to know if I’ve actually lost any weight, right? Well I HAVE! In fact, not only do the scales tell me I am 5 pounds lighter but I also feel much better and visibly look more toned too. Theres still a way to go, but it has certainly given me the encouragement to keep going and up my game to keep my body guessing.

Any helpful tips welcome and if you’re on your own personal challenge to a smaller waist and a healthier life, keep going and good luck!

8 thoughts on “50 Days Left to Sexy…

  1. 1. Any life style changes follow an adaptive spiral, some days better than others. I minimize beating up myself when my emotional self sabotages my logical self.

    2. Foods & drinks over which I can’t control my consumption, I no longer bring home. However, I may eat those foods outside home.

    3. Generally, my last meal of the day is between 4 and 6:00 pm; and sometimes it is a single item of high nutritional value, like cooked collard greens or tomatoes with a little jalapeno pepper vinegar.

    4. A strong, minty mouthwash and gargle will many times allay mid-evening hunger.

    5. Most days, I fast for about fourteen to sixteen hours, from the evening meal until breakfast.

    6. On Sundays, I don’t eat until after my work out, so I fast for about twenty to twenty two hours.

    7. These mini-fasts allow a mental clarity that I enjoy.

    8. With each passing month, I get better adhering to this routine.

    9. You’re already sexy, sooo think of the changes as a lifetime to maintain sexy.

    K8, my best wishes to you.


    LikeLiked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much for your encouaging reply and helpful tips! it is great to know how others do it and I will certainly try the mouthwash tip – I do get hungry at 9!! I’ve managed to stick to not eating past 6 (although I am breaking that today because of dinner with friends!) but I go to bed hungry and wake up hungry. Thanks for the advice!


    • Oh dear, I clicked send too soon on that reply!! I agree about not bringing them into the home – but it is far too easy for me to pop to the shop and get them, or I am already out so I’ll pick them up on my way home! However, I am cooking everything from scratch which I’m finding very pleasurable and gives me a sense of control over what is going into my food.

      I literally have no idea how you could not eat for 20-22 hours… you’re a stronger person than me. I think I’d probably pass out…or be really nasty to be around!!

      Maintain sexy…I like that.

      Best wishes to you too x

      LikeLiked by 1 person

      • It took me many months to train my body for longer fasts; Some religions practice fasting at times (e.g., Ramadan). Mini-fasts links https://encrypted.google.com/#q=advantages+of+mini-fasts

        LikeLiked by 1 person

  2. You are doing fantastically! It’s ok to take a break. Think of it as a lifestyle. Well Done. Pasta looks yum!


    • Aww thank you. It was YUM! But less of that…more of steamed fish and vegetables…yuuuummmm…..xxx


  3. Good luck and keep going, Kate. Glad you are doing so well and making great progress (has inspired me to get fitter/healthier) X


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