Today I Will Experience Joy


Mummy Hollowood always loves to tell the story of my Christening, where the Priest chose to read a scripture all about Joy. I assume, as I am too young to remember, this must be about the joy of new life, the joy that life brings to the family and hopefully, the joy that life will experience. Now, I’m not all that religious myself, I enjoy certain rituals that come with Christianity and I live my life (as much as possible) to the 10 Commandments. However, I do hold a lot of value in the word “Joy” and I like that it is associated with me when…well…at least my Mum hears it!

It also worries me a little too because lately, I haven’t been the most joyful. Despite having an amazing end to 2013, I’ve returned to London heavy-hearted and full of worries. I seem to have forgotten to experience joy, even for just the last few weeks and it has dragged everything down. So I’m writing this as a little reminder to us all, to have a little more joy in our lives and experience a little more joy in the things we do.

Yes, it won’t stop raining. Yes, there are bills to pay. Yes, there is weight to lose and YES there is tons of work to be done…


Ask yourself each day, “What brings me joy?” Do that, Be that, Share that, Spend more time with that. Then you will experience joy today and every day you try to. Joy, like happiness, isn’t something we are entitled to, we’ve got to work at it. I know, I apologise for the cheesy post… but sometimes we need to have a little more cheesyness in our lives too! To JOY and CHEESE!

4 thoughts on “Today I Will Experience Joy

  1. Reblogged this on musicmusingsandsuch and commented:
    Forever true; forever necessary…


  2. I see and hear what you’re saying, but I think that me and chinese food need to take a break from one another, for both our sakes.



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